The 4c’s of Diamond Grading

The 4c’s of diamond grading The one thing almost everybody will hear when looking for a diamond ring is to consider the 4c’s of the stone. The 4c’s refer to the diamonds: Clarity Cut Colour Carat These four attributes are considered when a diamond is graded. Clarity Diamond clarity refers to the visual appearance of … Read more…

Diamond Certification what does it mean?

Diamond Certification To ensure the quality of your diamond it is highly recommended that you purchase a certified diamond. Certified diamonds are diamonds that have been graded by a gem laboratory based on the “4 C” attributes (Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat Weight) of the stone. Globally, there are several bodies known to specialise in diamond certification. These … Read more…

Common Diamond Shapes

Common diamond shapes Diamond shape refers to the appearance of the stone. Often when selecting the perfect diamond engagement ring a lot of time will be dedicated to selecting the perfect shape. To assist you to better understand the various shapes we have composed a guide to the shapes we have available at ADBW. Round … Read more…

HPHT Coloured Diamonds

HPHT Coloured Diamonds Coloured diamonds are incredibly rare and costly. Sadly, their rarity and cost often means the diamond buyer can miss out on an opportunity to ever own a coloured diamond. Fortunately, rather than be forever longing, High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) coloured diamonds offer a cost effective alternative. HPHT coloured diamonds are rather … Read more…